Get Involved

Our mission is to empower children and their families dealing with illness or disability. We want them to relate to our Young Superheroes™ and understand that they can also be superheroes in this world. It doesn't take the most physically strong or the most intelligent, but a person with a big heart. Every child has this, so we want them to see themselves in the same light that their hearts shine. Through our Young Superheroes™ we hope to spread this message to inspire children throughout the world.

If you are interested in helping us fulfill our mission you can support us by donating an amount that is comfortable to you. 


Sponsorship Opportunities

Here is the current listing of sponsorship opportunities. For more information or partnerships, email our team:


Develop your character

Custom book starring your character

Written & produced by the Young Superheroes creative team

Co-branded books and online promotion


For distribution with sponsorship message

Kit includes cape, backpack, book, and CTO T-shirt

Pick any Young Superheroes character or we can help you create your own