Spinal Cord Injury

The spinal cord is a very large collection of nerve cells inside the spinal bones of the back.

These nerve cells send signals between the brain and the rest of the body.

The spinal cord can be injured in several different ways such as in an accident, because of an infection, or disease that attacks the spinal nerves.

When the spinal cord is damaged it can cause weakness, numbness, changes in normal bodily functions like peeing and pooping, trouble walking, trouble using both arms and legs, and even trouble breathing.

Doctors will ask many questions about symptoms and sensations. A very careful neurological examination will test the working of the brain and spinal cord. Pictures of the spine and the spinal cord using x-rays (CT scan) and magnets (MRI scan) will give doctors additional information.

Some causes of spinal cord injury can be treated and get better. Others need surgery to improve symptoms. Sometimes, the injury cannot be reversed and there are many devices and therapies to help people with this kind of injury.

New treatments being researched include implantable spinal cord stimulators, medications promoting new nerve growth, advanced medical treatments using light and sound waves, and development of a mechanical exoskeleton.